Tips & Inspiration

5 sömnadsprojekt som gjorde mitt liv enklare som nybliven mamma

5 sewing projects that made my life easier as a...

Sewing projects that are not only beautiful but also genuinely useful are my absolute favorites! So, here are 6 wonderful sewing patterns that deliver both WOW-factor and practicality. These are...

5 sewing projects that made my life easier as a...

Sewing projects that are not only beautiful but also genuinely useful are my absolute favorites! So, here are 6 wonderful sewing patterns that deliver both WOW-factor and practicality. These are...

4 på riktigt användbara saker jag sydde till vår bebis

4 *actually* useful things I made for our baby

When you're expecting your first baby, it can be a bit tricky to figure out exactly what you'll need, use, or want to have at home. And while there's a...

4 *actually* useful things I made for our baby

When you're expecting your first baby, it can be a bit tricky to figure out exactly what you'll need, use, or want to have at home. And while there's a...

4 egensydda leksaker bebisen kommer älska *påriktigt!*

4 DIY toys your baby will *actually* love!

  Handmade toys can be tricky—or at least, that’s what I thought when Maja was little.   I have plenty of examples of toys I spent hours sewing or crocheting,...

4 DIY toys your baby will *actually* love!

  Handmade toys can be tricky—or at least, that’s what I thought when Maja was little.   I have plenty of examples of toys I spent hours sewing or crocheting,...

The one where min man syr ett Babynest på 2 timmar!

The one where my husband sews a Babynest in 2 h...

When your last name is Sund, everything becomes a competition—it’s practically a family rule. 🙈   So, naturally, when I mentioned that it takes about 3 hours to sew a...

The one where my husband sews a Babynest in 2 h...

When your last name is Sund, everything becomes a competition—it’s practically a family rule. 🙈   So, naturally, when I mentioned that it takes about 3 hours to sew a...

5 babysaker att sy som julklapp

5 Baby Items to Sew as Christmas Gifts

If you're thinking about fun baby things to add to your Christmas gift sewing list, here are my best tips! And, I’ve even added notes on how last-minute-sewing-friendly each project is—just in case....

5 Baby Items to Sew as Christmas Gifts

If you're thinking about fun baby things to add to your Christmas gift sewing list, here are my best tips! And, I’ve even added notes on how last-minute-sewing-friendly each project is—just in case....

Välja symaskin: En nybörjarguide för dig som vill lära dig sy.

Choosing a sewing machine: My tips for beginners

The #1 question I get asked about sewing, is WHAT sewing machine to get. And let me tell you, the answer isn't as complicated as you might think. Disclaimer: This...

Choosing a sewing machine: My tips for beginners

The #1 question I get asked about sewing, is WHAT sewing machine to get. And let me tell you, the answer isn't as complicated as you might think. Disclaimer: This...