Tips & Inspiration

The one where min man syr ett Babynest på 2 timmar!

The one where my husband sews a Babynest in 2 h...

When your last name is Sund, everything becomes a competition—it’s practically a family rule. 🙈   So, naturally, when I mentioned that it takes about 3 hours to sew a...

The one where my husband sews a Babynest in 2 h...

When your last name is Sund, everything becomes a competition—it’s practically a family rule. 🙈   So, naturally, when I mentioned that it takes about 3 hours to sew a...

5 babysaker att sy som julklapp

5 Baby Items to Sew as Christmas Gifts

If you're thinking about fun baby things to add to your Christmas gift sewing list, here are my best tips! And, I’ve even added notes on how last-minute-sewing-friendly each project is—just in case....

5 Baby Items to Sew as Christmas Gifts

If you're thinking about fun baby things to add to your Christmas gift sewing list, here are my best tips! And, I’ve even added notes on how last-minute-sewing-friendly each project is—just in case....

Välja symaskin: En nybörjarguide för dig som vill lära dig sy.

Choosing a sewing machine: My tips for beginners

The #1 question I get asked about sewing, is WHAT sewing machine to get. And let me tell you, the answer isn't as complicated as you might think. Disclaimer: This...

Choosing a sewing machine: My tips for beginners

The #1 question I get asked about sewing, is WHAT sewing machine to get. And let me tell you, the answer isn't as complicated as you might think. Disclaimer: This...

6 Syprojekt för blivande mammor att sy innan bebisen är här

6 Sewing Projects for Nesting Mamas-To-Be to Pr...

There's a baby on the way and you're in full on nesting mode, what better way to channel that mama bear energy than by diving into some fun sewing projects...

6 Sewing Projects for Nesting Mamas-To-Be to Pr...

There's a baby on the way and you're in full on nesting mode, what better way to channel that mama bear energy than by diving into some fun sewing projects...

IKEA Antilop Makeover

IKEA Antilop Makeover

I'm a DIY enthusiast through and through, always wandering around stores thinking, "Hmm... I could probably make that myself instead of buying it!" And even though it's usually both more...

IKEA Antilop Makeover

I'm a DIY enthusiast through and through, always wandering around stores thinking, "Hmm... I could probably make that myself instead of buying it!" And even though it's usually both more...

Stretchguide – Hur vet man vilket tyg man kan använda till vilket projekt?

Stretchguide – Hur vet man vilket tyg man kan a...

När man ser på sömnadsmönster som är gjorda för stickade tyger (alltså tyger som stretchar) kan man ibland se att det står att man behöver "tyg med minst 40% stretch"...

Stretchguide – Hur vet man vilket tyg man kan a...

När man ser på sömnadsmönster som är gjorda för stickade tyger (alltså tyger som stretchar) kan man ibland se att det står att man behöver "tyg med minst 40% stretch"...