The one where my husband sews a Babynest in 2 hours!

When your last name is Sund, everything becomes a competition—it’s practically a family rule. 🙈


So, naturally, when I mentioned that it takes about 3 hours to sew a Babynest from start to finish, my husband immediately challenged me. "I bet I could do it in under 2 hours," he said. 👀


Now, keep in mind, my husband hadn’t touched a sewing machine since sloyd class in middle school. Yet here he was, boldly claiming he could whip up a Babynest wayy faster than me. 🤓 (But to my defence: I hadn’t exactly tried to win the Guinness world record in babynest sewing when I timed my sewing process 🙈)


So, without further ado, we found ourselves at the sewing table with all the supplies—fabric, batting, thread—spread out. Baby Maja (our enthusiastic cheer squad) and I were ready with the timer and counted down: 3, 2, 1, GO!



The rules were simple: he had to follow my pattern and do everything himself. I wouldn’t tell him the next steps or explain any instructions. Of course, I couldn’t resist using this as a test to see how clear my pattern really was. 😇


I had promised to help thread the sewing machine and name the materials, but that was it. For the rest of the process, he was on his own.



Was it the neatest or most precise sewing process? Not exactly 🙈.

But was it fast? Oh, absolutely!



I shared the whole challenge on my Instagram stories, and people were hooked. Kim got encouragement from all corners, though many (myself included) were convinced he wouldn’t make it in time. 😅



So, how did it go?


He nailed it! With a solid 5 minutes to spare! 🏆🥳😄 He almost had time to sew a matching mattress too—almost. 😉


But in all seriousness, this little experiment proved something important to me: truly anyone can sew a Babynest with my pattern, and I’m so proud of that. (And this is not to talk down on my husbands sewing skills 😘)



Since its release, over 235 people have used the pattern, and the feedback has been amazing. People keep telling me how straightforward and easy it is to follow, which makes me so happy.

So, if you (or someone you know) are planning to sew a Babynest, I can highly recommend this pattern.


Usually, I’d say it takes about an afternoon to complete. But if you’re feeling competitive, why not try to beat my husband’s record? 😉


If you do, let me know—you might just take home the title of World’s Fastest Babynest Sewer! ✌🏼😎



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